
Parker High School is committed to providing all students with an appropriate, engaging and rigorous education.  The teaching staff, support staff, Talented and Gifted (TAG) building coordinator, and administration work together in order to provide the best possible experience for each of our talented and gifted students.

Research tells us that gifted students benefit from being around each other.  Homogeneous grouping of TAG students provides a comfortable and accepting environment that may not always exist in their classes.  It also fosters critical thinking and a deeper development of concepts and issues.  Parker High School capitalizes on our advisory program to provide this "clustering."

Currently, our ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade TAG students are clustered into TAG advisories.  These advisories meet daily for twenty minutes and provide a convenient platform to deliver services tailored specifically for our TAG students.  The building TAG coordinator works closely with the advisers of those groups to facilitate "mini-workshops", disseminate critical information, introduce guest speakers, and schedule appropriate classes.  Topics TAG students examine throughout the year include but are not limited to:
  • What it means to be Talented & Gifted
  • The importance of being involved with extra-curriculars
  • Communicating effectively with your teachers
  • Self advocacy in the classroom - appropriately asking for differentiation
  • The importance of standardized tests - particularly the PSAT, ACT & SAT
  • Appropriate and challenging class selection
  • Summer challenge opportunities  
With the advisory model of delivery in place, it is easy to gather all of the ninth grade TAG students, the ninth and tenth grade TAG students, or even all of the ninth, tenth and eleventh grade TAG students if necessary.   Parker successfully implemented this model three years ago, and beginning in Fall 2013-14, all TAG students at Parker High School will be housed in TAG advisories.  The only current class not using clustered advisories, is the senior class graduating in Spring 2013.